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Do I need a Corporate / Business Investigations?

With the today’s global economy and the evolution of Web 2.0 (commonly associated with web applications that facilitate interactive information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design, and collaboration on the World Wide Web), information is often the difference between a business’s success or failure. A Corporate Investigations will provide your entity with actionable intelligence to assist you when making financial business decisions. Every business CEO/Owner/CFO etc., wants to make informed decisions but most are not aware of the available services, tools & resources which will identify the issues, create resolutions and simplify the decision making process. The following are a few examples of Due diligence investigations can ensure that your company is not heading for a law suit. Corporate monitoring operations such as internet monitoring, media monitoring, brand monitoring, and compliance audits can help ensure that your business continues to prosper. Intellectual property investigations and investigations of other companies help keep your competition in line and ensure that others aren’t taking advantage of your company.

What happens during a Corporate / Business investigation?

Each case is assessed by an Investigator and a plan of action is created with the input of the business owner/managers. Depending on individual business needs several services may occur, including but not limited to a review of internal and external business documents, personnel and or business background checks may be performed, monitoring business activities utilizing mobile surveillance, GPS surveillance and or computer surveillance. It may be necessary to meet with and assist law enforcement personnel, attorneys and or employees during the investigation process. Investigators can be designated as the liaison between these parties and a business entity.

There are 3 primary objectives that Corporate Investigations are designed to provide business entities. The 1st objective is to Prevention. The 2nd objective is Intervention. The 3rd objective is Mitigation. Regardless of the timing that a Corporate Investigation is conducted, it is imperative that all 3 objectives be addressed. Even if an incident has already occurred, it is important to understand how to prevent the same incident from occurring in the future and or how to mitigate / reduce your loss & liability if the incident reoccurs.

Why do I need a private investigator to conduct a business investigation?

The information age has made data readily accessible to everyone. However, most worthwhile businesses, executives and individuals will go great lengths to monitor what is publicly available. Despite the numerous websites that claim they can provide customers with private and or privileged information, the vast majority of them cannot do it legally. Most of the public databases provide outdated and historical public information which has a very limited use. A licensed private investigator can legally and ethically obtain the needed information in an unobtrusive & diligent manager. A seasoned business private investigator has knowledge of corporate law and the information they obtain can be deemed court admissible. Private Investigators can interview people to find the truth, locate hidden data and legally obtain tangible evidence which cannot be accessed by the general public. The astute Private Investigator will cross reference all viable leads to identify and verify which information is current & accurate. Professional Private Investigators provide an easy to understand report with recommendations on how to proceed in the future. All of these investigative attributes equate to efficient and informed decision making.

What type of Corporate Investigation or Business Intelligence do I need?

Below are the Corporate Investigations Investigative Sectors which will help you quickly determine which investigation solution(s) are right for you and what type of business intelligence will be obtained for your business needs.

Business & Executive Integrity Sector:

Business Intelligence
• Assets
• Business Negotiations Specialists
• Contract Disputes
• Legal & Financial liabilities
• Competitive Market Analysis & Research
• Benchmarking
• Acquisitions & Merger Due Diligence
• Conflicts of Interest
• Solvency Analysis
• Dunn & Bradstreet Rating and Ownership Info (if applicable)

Executive Intelligence
• Personal
• Residential
• Employment/Professional
• Education/Licenses/Affiliations
• Legal
• Financial
• Military
• Medical/Psychiatric
• Conflicts of Interest

Internal Misconduct & External Threats Sector:

Internal Misconduct
• Espionage and Intellectual Property Fraud Intervention & Detection
• Embezzlement and Financial Fraud Investigations
• Internal Audits & Malfeasance Policies & Procedure Creation
• Technical Surveillance Counter Measures (TSCM) – Utilization of Radio Frequency, Infrared technologies (Video and or Audio where applicable) to detect and locate Eavesdropping Devices
• Undercover Operations to identify Internal Theft
• Undercover Operations to identify Drug Use, Criminal Conduct & Policy Violations
• Interviewing & Interrogations Techniques for Employee Malfeasance
• Product Monitoring & Tracking via GPS or other Surveillance Techniques

External Vulnerabilities
• Undercover Operations for External theft (Loss Prevention)
• Security Consultation
• Security Systems and Monitoring Services
• Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) and Lighting Diagramming
• Analysis and or Creation of Security Procedures for Offices & Distribution Centers / Warehouses
• Vandalism prevention
• Keyed & Keyless Entry Products and Services

Internal Safety & Efficiency Sector:

Internal Safety
• Workers Compensation Claims Investigation
• Workplace Violence Prevention & Intervention
• Hostile Terminations, Harassment, Discrimination Intervention and Retaliation Prevention
• Risk Management Planning
• Anti-Terrorism Training & Prevention (Anti-Terrorism Accreditation Board Certified / ATAB)
• Emergency or Disaster Relief Security & Support
• Executive, Board Meeting and Event Security
• Strike Management and Incident Mitigation

Internal Efficiency
• Computer Investigations & Forensics-Hard drive imaging
• Computer Monitoring, Internet History, tracking and e-mail tracing & recovery
• Restore Hidden, Lost or Deleted Data (files & images)
• Unauthorized Computer Usage
• Spyware Detection, Hacker & Infrastructure Intrusion detection
• Expert witness testimony and Litigation Support
• Termination Specialists
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fyiprivateeye.com founder is a CA Licensed Private Investigation Agency located in California. In states or countries where FYI has not obtained a license to provide Private Investigation services (where applicable), FYI has established strategic partnership with Private Detectives within the continental US & worldwide and will contract investigative & protective services and or refer leads generated from this site to qualified Private Investigators, as needed.
Private Investigation, Criminal Defense Investigations & Executive Protection Services by State or Country:
Alaska | Alabama | Arizona: Phoenix | Arkansas | California: Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose | Colorado: Denver | Connecticut | Delaware | Washington DC | Florida: Miami, Boca Raton, Fort Lauderdale, Tampa, Clearwater, Orlando, Daytona, West Palm Beach, Naples, Fort Myers, Jacksonville | Georgia | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois: Chicago | Indiana: Indianapolis | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland| Massachusetts: Boston | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania: Pittsburgh | Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas: Dallas, Houston | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming

International Private Investigations:
Cancun Mexico | Cabo San Lucas Mexico | Puerto Vallarta Mexico | Japan | China

Private Investigation & Executive Protection Services by California County:
Private Investigator Alameda County | Private Detective Contra Costa County | Private Investigators Fresno County | Private Detectives Imperial County | Private Investigation Kings County | Private Investigators Los Angeles County | Private Detective Agency Madera County | Private Investigations Marin County | Investigator Merced County | Monterey County Private Investigator | Detective Agencies Napa County | Private Investigators Orange County | Private Detectives Riverside County | Private Investigator San Bernardino County | San Benito County Investigations | San Diego County Private Investigators | Private Investigator Agency San Francisco County | Detectives San Joaquin County | San Mateo County Private Investigation | Santa Cruz County | Sacramento County | Solano County | Sonoma County | Stanislaus County | Tulare County | Ventura County | Yolo County

Subsidiary of Surveillance Systems Group, Inc.
FYI / For Your Information
4193 Flat Rock Drive - Building 200, Riverside California 92505
Toll Free (877) 687-3939/OUR-EYEZ

For Your Information is licensed through the California Bureau of Security and Investigative Services (BSIS)
California Investigator License #: PI 26978

Services & Additional Programs:

Accident Investigations
Accident Reconstruction
Address Search and Verification
Arson Investigations
Asset Searches
Asset Protection
Background Checks
Bail Enforcement
Bilingual Investigations
CA Guard Card Testing
Cargo Theft Investigations
Child Custody Investigations
Civil Investigations
Computer Forensics
Computer Investigations
Corporate Investigations
Counter Surveillance Investigations
Court Records Research-(Municipal, State & Federal)
Criminal Defense Investigations
Difficult Process Serves
Disability Investigations
Divorce Investigations
DNA Testing & Test Kits
Drug Testing & Test Kits
Eavesdrop Detection- (TSCM & Debugging)
Education Verification
Elderly Abuse Investigations
Executive Protection
Extortion Investigations
Falsely Accused Investigations
Fraud Investigations
GPS Tracking
Hidden Camera (Sales & Installations)
Homicide Investigations
Identity Theft Prevention
Infidelity Investigations
Inmate Statements & Interviews
Insurance Fraud Investigations
Intellectual Property Investigations
Interviews & Interrogations
Loss Prevention
Matrimonial Investigations
Minority Investigations (Surveillance, Statements & Interviews)
Missing Heir locates
Missing Persons Investigations
Nanny Background Checks & Cams
Personal Protection
Phone Breaks/CNA (Customer Name & Address)
Political Investigations
Pre-Employment Screening
Pre-Marital Investigations
Process Service
Search and Seizure Investigations & Consulting
Security Cameras & Diagramming
Security Consultation
Sentencing Investigations
Sex Crimes Investigations
Skip Tracing
Stalking Prevention & Suppression (create definition)
Statements (Audio & or Video)
Suicide Investigations
Surveillance Equipment
Trademark Infringement Investigations
Theft Investigation (Interviews & Interrogations)
Tenant Screening
Use of Force Investigation & Consultation
Utilities Break/CNA (Customer Name & Address)
Undercover Investigations
Unlawfully Detained and or Falsely Arrested Investigations
Witness Investigations
Workers Compensation Investigations
Wrongful Death Investigations

Save your money for Vegas! "Make informed business decisions."

Corporate Investigations  &  Business Intelligence
The following paragraphs will define what a Corporate Investigation encompasses and why your business entity might need to retain the services of a licensed private investigator to provide a business due diligence investigation.

What is a Corporate Investigation?

Corporate investigations investigate business operations, which is why these types of cases are also called business investigations. The term Corporate Investigation encompasses a variety of services for completely unrelated and diverse businesses. The three primary sectors of corporate investigations are as follows:

1. BUSINESS INTEGRITY-To determine the integrity of business partners, mergers and other significant financial transactions. Even if you DO NOT own or manage a business, we all rely on companies to provide us with goods & services while protecting our personal information. Their stability will no doubt have an impact on you, your family and business.

2. INTERNAL MISCONDUCT & EXTERNAL VULNERABILITIES-Provide internal investigations on employees to identify the perpetrators of fraud, embezzlement, espionage, theft and other criminal activities. External investigations especially theft and drug related crimes also fall under this sector…

3. INTERNAL SAFETY & EFFICIENCY-Identify internal threats to the personal safety of a business’s employees and or identify those employees who are directly responsible for a business’s decreased work product output.
          * Workplace violence is often higher during holidays when money is generally being saved. Personal turmoil is a key factor to work place violence so it is important to recognize the tribulation in your employee’s life and empathize with their pain and or frustrations. Sending cards to both your employee and their family (IE-Health issue or death arises) will create a family work environment.
          * Decreased work output can be identified utilizing a variety of investigative services. However, computer investigation & monitor is a covert solution to assist employers in identifying how their employees are managing the time while on the clock.

What is a Business Negotiations Specialist?

A Business Negotiations Specialist provides their clients with a confidential business partner to oversee and assess business negations. BNS utilize cognitive science techniques to help decision makers assess the integrity and direction of negations. BNS are impartial judges when analyzing the facts being articulated during negations. The primary objective is to advise clients on how they can recognize and address the cognitive behavior being displayed from both parties during negotiations process. This gives the client a decidedly strategic advantage during negations…

What is a Business Due Diligence?

A business due diligence investigation is used to prevent fraud and mitigate risk/liabilities. Due diligence Investigations are critical in preventing fraud, identifying current workplace misconduct and potential internal & external liabilities including employee safety, loss or other employee malfeasance which can have a negative impact on an employer. Private Investigators can also conduct interviews, take statements, fingerprint suspects, conduct surveillance and perform polygraph examinations / lie detection services to uncover the truth.

Below is a list of services generally included in a Business due Diligence Report:

• Adverse filings such as judgments, liens and bankruptcies
• Asset Identification such as subsidiaries, real property, vehicles, vessels, etc.
• Articles and news worthy stories about a specific business
• Corporation history through
• Litigation history (civil and criminal court filings)
• Websites & blogs that mention a specific business name which my provide insight into the reliability, credibility and consumer reputation
• Dun & Bradstreet, Experian and Hoovers credit worthiness/history reports
• Public filings including UCCs, taxation, professional licenses, etc.