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Trust FYI to conduct the interviews  of potential employees after performing the employee  background check.  This will insure that the results are thorough an unbiased!
Knowledge is Power. Take advantage of the knowledge that is available to you and avoid unnecessary risks.
fyiprivateeye.com founder is a CA Licensed Private Investigation Agency located in California. In states or countries where FYI has not obtained a license to provide Private Investigation services (where applicable), FYI has established strategic partnership with Private Detectives within the continental US & worldwide and will contract investigative & protective services and or refer leads generated from this site to qualified Private Investigators, as needed.

Private Investigation, Criminal Defense Investigations & Executive Protection Services by State or Country:
Alaska | Alabama | Arizona: Phoenix | Arkansas | California: Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose | Colorado: Denver | Connecticut | Delaware | Washington DC | Florida: Miami, Boca Raton, Fort Lauderdale, Tampa, Clearwater, Orlando, Daytona, West Palm Beach, Naples, Fort Myers, Jacksonville | Georgia | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois: Chicago | Indiana: Indianapolis | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland| Massachusetts: Boston | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania: Pittsburgh | Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas: Dallas, Houston | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming

International Private Investigations:
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Private Investigation & Executive Protection Services by California County:
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Subsidiary of Surveillance Systems Group, Inc.
FYI / For Your Information
4193 Flat Rock Drive - Building 200, Riverside California 92505
Toll Free (877) 687-3939/OUR-EYEZ

For Your Information is licensed through the California Bureau of Security and Investigative Services (BSIS)
California Investigator License #: PI 26978

Services & Additional Programs:

Accident Investigations
Accident Reconstruction
Address Search and Verification
Arson Investigations
Asset Searches
Asset Protection
Background Checks
Bail Enforcement
Bilingual Investigations
CA Guard Card Testing
Cargo Theft Investigations
Child Custody Investigations
Civil Investigations
Computer Forensics
Computer Investigations
Corporate Investigations
Counter Surveillance Investigations
Court Records Research-(Municipal, State & Federal)
Criminal Defense Investigations
Difficult Process Serves
Disability Investigations
Divorce Investigations
DNA Testing & Test Kits
Drug Testing & Test Kits
Eavesdrop Detection- (TSCM & Debugging)
Education Verification
Elderly Abuse Investigations
Executive Protection
Extortion Investigations
Falsely Accused Investigations
Fraud Investigations
GPS Tracking
Hidden Camera (Sales & Installations)
Homicide Investigations
Identity Theft Prevention
Infidelity Investigations
Inmate Statements & Interviews
Insurance Fraud Investigations
Intellectual Property Investigations
Interviews & Interrogations
Loss Prevention
Matrimonial Investigations
Minority Investigations (Surveillance, Statements & Interviews)
Missing Heir locates
Missing Persons Investigations
Nanny Background Checks & Cams
Personal Protection
Phone Breaks/CNA (Customer Name & Address)
Political Investigations
Pre-Employment Screening
Pre-Marital Investigations
Process Service
Search and Seizure Investigations & Consulting
Security Cameras & Diagramming
Security Consultation
Sentencing Investigations
Sex Crimes Investigations
Skip Tracing
Stalking Prevention & Suppression (create definition)
Statements (Audio & or Video)
Suicide Investigations
Surveillance Equipment
Trademark Infringement Investigations
Theft Investigation (Interviews & Interrogations)
Tenant Screening
Use of Force Investigation & Consultation
Utilities Break/CNA (Customer Name & Address)
Undercover Investigations
Unlawfully Detained and or Falsely Arrested Investigations
Witness Investigations
Workers Compensation Investigations
Wrongful Death Investigations

As concerns regarding identity theft, terrorism, and fraud become widespread throughout the world, pre-employment background screening is a simple, yet effective investigative solution employers can utilize to help mitigate future risks in their workplace. An employee background check can help Human Resources and other employment decision makers insure that the candidate they are considering for employment is who they claim to be. Our private investigators will utilize traditional & non-traditional sources to determine if the candidate acquired their indicated education / work experience, has a criminal record and or is a pedophile and identify if they have known terrorist affiliations. These are but a few important examples of the numerous facts that might be unveiled when an experienced private investigator performs an employee background check.

For Your Information is a full service background investigation firm that specializes in obtaining pertinent information through criminal background checks on a statewide and national level, past employment and background history information, and background investigations for DMV history, credit reports, drug screening, and many other aspects on individuals for employers nationwide. Each employee background check is tailored to each business’s needs and processed by our professional staff investigators to assure your company will make the right hiring decisions.
Pre-employment screenings are needed commodity in today's world, because of the legitimate threat employers are facing when an injured party claims the employer is liable for their “negligence in employment”. From workplace violence to employees being unfit and or not qualified to handle the responsibilities assigned to them by their employer, the negligent hiring tort law doctrine is a legal remedy applied by the court in civil proceeding. This doctrine furnishes a body of rights, assigns obligations and provides relief to persons who have suffered harm from the wrongful acts and or negligence of another. Despite the potential risks of a negligent hiring claim against an employer, employers should be just as concerned about the potential loss in productivity, revenue and preventable danger their current employees may face if the wrong candidate was employed. As a licensed Private Investigator for almost 10 years, I have worked several cases where my client has been and or felt threatened by a disgruntled employee. In each case, an employment background check was not conducted in advance. Each case could have been prevented if a background check was completed prior to employment, as the red flags were numerous and the employee behavioral propensities were very apparent.
Negligent Hiring
Pre-employment screening is the process of utilizing background checks, psychometric techniques (IE-personality assessments, questionnaires and tests), and drug testing to determine whether a potential candidate is suitable for employment. A background check can be as simple as verifying references, obtaining criminal and civil records for 1 state or a complex due diligence investigations worldwide. Regardless of the size or type of business, pre-employment screening is a necessary hiring practice to avoid lawsuits and mitigate future liabilities.

While it is possibly for a human resources manager and or employment decision maker to complete this process in-house, it is generally outsourced to licensed Private Investigators who have the required resources to legally obtain protected information. Employment decision makers such as human resources managers must be fully aware of an employment candidate’s driving record, educational credentials, and criminal record. However, unless the human resources manager has access to non-public information, an accurate pre-employment screening cannot be accomplished.

Private Investigators that specialize in employment background checks generally have the training, skills and means to offer employers complete pre-employment screening services. However, many PIs do not offer complete pre-employment screening and will only perform background check services. Many Private Investigators are adept at interviewing potential employment candidates utilizing a variety of cognitive methods and linguistics techniques to assess the candidates overall employment suitability.

For Your Information is an investigative firm with expertise in providing pre-employment background services. We continue to implement new methods and products that expand our core offerings which in turn equates to our clients making informed hiring, promotion, and retention decisions.
Our employment screening capabilities don’t stop when a new employee has been cleared for employment. Our Private Investigators can work with your business to conduct additional background checks when an employee is being considered for a promotion and or given increased responsibilities. However, it is imperative that business has the necessary waivers on hand and signed in advance!!!

FYI is dedicated in assisting our clients with the hiring of the most qualified and least risky employee candidates.

What is included in a background check can vary. Background checks can access a full range of data including:

*credit records

*current & prior workers’ compensation claims
*academic records

personal references
*professional references
*driving records

*criminal records

*civil suits & other financial liabilities such as liens and judgments

and much more...

Employee Screening
Discrimination & Harrassment Investigations
Background Checks & Employee Screening

The EEOC received record numbers of charges alleging discrimination based on origin (11,134 charges), religion (3,386 charges) and sex-based discrimination (28,028 charges.) However retaliation discrimination (33,613 charges) and race discrimination (33,579 charges) reached an all time high for this year. The EEOC also reported that through its enforcement, mediation and litigation programs, the agency recovered monetary relief for discrimination victims totaling over $376 million. The total number was 93,277, just slightly off the 2008 record numbers of 95,402, making the two-year annual average for 2008 and 2009 a staggering figure of 94,340 charges filed. http://www.eeoc.gov/policy/docs/race-color.html


There are a number of protected discrimination and harassment classifications. There are broad-sweeping federal & state laws that prohibit discrimination and harassment against individuals on the basis of age, color, disability, pregnancy, race, and religion, as well as other characteristics in a variety of circumstances. Most state and local jurisdictions have laws that contain similar protections for individuals in more specific situations. These local jurisdictions generally have detailed laws that will address and prohibit discrimination and harassment in the workplace. If you are an employee who feels that you are being discriminated against or harassed by your employer or coworkers based on any of the below characteristics, you have rights and options available to help protect your best interest.

• Age Discrimination
• Color or Race Discrimination
• Disability
• Gender Discrimination
• Genetic Information
• National Origin
• Political Affiliation
• Pregnancy Discrimination
• Religion Discrimination
• Sexual Harassment
• Sexual Orientation Discrimination
• Retaliation Discrimination
• Veteran Status

Although, retaliation discrimination and race discrimination are the top 2 claims respectively, sex oriented discrimination or harassment is the 3rd most reported claim and probably the most notable allegation in the US. From Presidents to Supreme Court Justices, from Actors to CEO’s, sexual harassment allegations seem to be a more than a likely claim against those with money, power and influence. With allegations, hearing, and trials and out of court settlements of many US public figures such a Former President Bill Clinton, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, Fox News Anchor Bill O’Reilly, Actor Steven Seagal and Hewlett-Packard CEO, Mark Hurd, it is obvious why some of these claims turn out to be false allegations and dismissed. Nonetheless, most of the accusers are publicly tried and classified as “gold diggers” before the even step into a court room... It is vitally important that you mentally prepare for a very strategic legal battle and public/professional scrutiny. A sexual harassment investigation will provide you the peace of mind you seek during a difficult period in your life.

Accusing an employer or co-worker of sexual harassment without hard evidence generally opens the door for additional harassment and discrimination tactics in the workplace. The employer and or their attorneys will work diligently to prove that the accuser is a disgruntled employee of questionable moral fiber who is just looking for a large financial settlement. It will always come down to the credibility & irrefutable evidence of the accused versus the credibility & irrefutable evidence of the accuser. Litigation can be a socially painful and arduous necessity. Make sure your ready for the long haul…

Don't subject yourself to further abuse. Hire a qualified private investigations agency that will work with you and your attorney to document the events. We use a number of techniques to legally obtain audio and video evidence that can be used to quickly and easily win your case. Our technical investigative teams can work with you to capture and retrieve electronic evidence from computers and cell phones. We can retroactively recover E-mails, text messages, instant messages and voice mails even if they have been deleted. Keep in mind that in many instances the police can't help you unless the advances are physical. This is important to remember when the sexual harassment is indirect. Perhaps a co-worker sends you offensive e-mails, repeatedly shows you pornographic material or refuses to take down a calendar that is sexually offensive or demeaning

An experienced licensed private investigator should be able to assess whether there is tangible evidence which might be used to prove or disprove the legitimacy of discrimination or harassment claim. The investigator should also be aware of differing standards of disparate impact liability under the different statutes and what an employer needs to establish under the standards of liability in their state. These "disparate impact" issues can then be analyzed by the investigator to help determine whether or not an employer has violated its own written policies prohibiting discrimination. At that time, the investigator should utilize the applicable standards of liability to determine what evidence can be legally obtained to further substantiate their parties/clients position on the matter.

Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and certain fair employment practices agencies (FEPA) enforce Tile VII and may mediate, investigate and file lawsuits on behalf of employees. Title VII is but 1 of the major features of the Civil Rights Act of 1965 and applies to employers with 15 or more employees for 20 or more week in the current or preceding calendar year. Tile VII also allows an individual to file a private lawsuit against an employer including federal, state and local governments, as well as employment agencies and labor organizations. However, an individual must file their complaint of discrimination or harassment with the EEOC within 180 days of learning of the violation/discrimination/harassment or that individual may lose their right to file the lawsuit.

Sexual harassment can occur in a variety of circumstances, including but not limited to the following:

• The harasser's conduct must be unwelcome.
• The harasser can be the victim's boss/owner/supervisor, a representative or agent of the employer, a co-worker, a non employee or a supervisor in another department.
• The victim, as well as, the harasser may be a woman or a man. The harasser and victim can be opposite or same sex.
• The victim can be any person who was negatively affected by the offensive conduct and doesn’t mandate that the victim(s) were directly harassed or targeted.
• Sexual harassment may occur without economic injury to or termination of the victim.

Forms of sexual harassment:

• Crude or lewd remarks
• Sexual innuendos or comments
• Repeatedly asking for a rendezvous or meeting privately after being rejected.
• Offers of sex in exchange for a better position or raise
• Unwanted fondling, groping and or touching
• Crowding and invading personal space
• Indecently exposing or flashing themselves
• Provocative attire that would be deemed inappropriate
• Unspoken gestures and or body language
• Sexual gestures
• Leaving offensive items on personal or provided property such as a vehicle, office, desk, computer, etc.
• Offensive e-mails and text messages
• Inappropriate photos or printed material
• Peep holes or hidden cameras in bathrooms, dressing rooms or any location where reasonable privacy is expected.
• Cameras hidden under desk or in workspace.
• Mirrors used to view under clothing garments.
• Sexual discrimination


The goal of everyone should be to resolve employee issues amicably so as to avoid potential litigation if at all possible. Therefore, one thing employers can do when making broad employment decisions, is to conduct a statistical assessment to determine whether any disproportionate impact is occurring against any employees that fall under the protected discrimination classification of the Civil Rights Act (See Above). If so, the employer should cautiously analyze its decisions to ensure they have evidence that is supported by legitimate business reasons, seek legal counsel and retain the services of a competent workplace private investigator.

If the employee later makes a retaliation and or discrimination claim anyway, then the eventual workplace investigator should conduct a basic statistical assessment, if a sufficient number of true comparators exist, to determine if there is a disparate impact on any protected classes. If the investigator finds evidence that a disparate impact currently exist against a protected discrimination classification employee, the workplace investigator should determine if the basis for the employer's actions are supported by legitimate non-discriminatory, non-retaliatory business reasons which can be used as irrefutable evidence in an effort contradict the employee allegations.

Please note - The scope of disparate impact liability under the federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act is narrower than that under Title VII (race, color, religion, sex, or national origin). Under a Title VII claim, an employer must show that, although the policy or procedures that were utilized may have had a disparate impact on a protected class of employees, the policy or procedure was consistent with the needs of the business and there was no alternatives available at that time that would allow the employer to achieve their business objectives. However, in 2005, the U.S. Supreme Court (in Smith v. City of Jackson, Mississippi) held that in defending an age discrimination claim under the ADEA, an employer need show only that its policy and or procedures was based on reasonable factors other than age. This is a substantially lesser criterion than mandated under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.

For Your Information can help you document that you are either a victim of discrimination or have had discrimination/harassment claims unjustly alleged against your character. For Your Information has the experience and sophisticated technological resources to efficiently obtain irrefutable evidence in your favor.

Sexual Harassment & Discrimination
Types of Protected Discrimination Classifications: